Our Solutions

Using technology to build innovative products

We are first and foremost an organization that likes to solve problems. Our solutions reflect how we combine creative and critical thinking to build products that are uniquely positioned for market success.

Take a look at at our growing list of products.

The desire to create solutions is in our organizational DNA. Innovation helps shape our experience and stretch us in new directions. It also is key part of our successful longevity. Our development efforts gravitate toward platform and infrastructure software, typically focusing on products that solve complex problems, yet remain easy to deploy, use, and maintain.

Workflow automation for distributed devices

RemoteLink was designed to help companies cope with certain challenges that arise from needing large numbers of devices outside of primary company offices. Specifically, it helps automate workflows that allow key data to be moved quickly and efficiently. It also provides tools that help manage applications and standardize configuration on distributed devices.

Many of our customers think of RemoteLink as the Swiss Army knife of distributed workflow automation. The easy-to-use scripting allows our customers to create functions tailored to their specific requirements. These functions can be scheduled or triggered dynamically as needed. As workflows execute, the results are logged for review and auditing. Finally, hooks and triggers are provided for integration with other systems when desired.

The first version of RemoteLink was release in 2014. Since then, we have continued to expand on both the capabilities of the solution and the device types it supports. We are proud of what we have accomplished with our customers. And, as we enter our ninth year, we are excited about the new capabilities we are adding.

Simple and secure remote network access

Ocketio is a solution designed to make securely connecting devices to networks simple and straightforward. While it is useful for deployments of any size, the current focus is on small to medium-size companies and organizations that are looking to improve how their remote and mobile devices connect.

The central part of Ocketio is a management layer for next-generation secure network access. Out of the gate, Ocketio is focused on helping people deploy and administer WireGuard connections. WireGuard is a solid foundation for interconnecting all types of devices in a modern way. It offers robust performance without compromising security. Over the last few years, WireGuard has been embedded into the Linux kernel and leveraged as a key part of many prominent network and security technologies.

Ocketio builds on this foundation, adding cloud-based administration, dynamic configuration settings, customizable user authentication, and event reporting. Put simply, Ocketio extends WireGuard, adding higher-level features and capabilities to make it easier for companies to adopt and deploy this innovative network technology.

Ocketio is due to be released for public beta in late 2024. Please check back for more details and a link to the product site.

Cloud platform for booking and managing temporary staff

For customers, finding agencies that employ the right skillset and have available resources can be time consuming. It involves internet searches, phone calls, and trying to objectively compare quotes from multiple agencies. Pistaffio enables customers to send out detailed position requirements, including description, qualifications, dates, and shifts to agencies capable of providing resources. Customers can set deadlines for accepting quotes and can award jobs to multiple agencies if more than one resource is required. All quotes have the same format so it’s easy to identify and compare differences between them. Pistaffio makes it quick and easy to find the best resources at the best price.

Agencies are targeted with request for quotes based on their specialties. There is no fee for customers or agencies for posting or receiving quote requests. Once work is awarded, Pistaffio manages the workflow from beginning to end. Agencies control worker assignments, which are instantly available to customers. Timesheets can receive input from multiple sources, including customer, agency, or the worker, and can even be based on clocked attendance. Customers have approval over timesheet entries prior to the automated generation of weekly invoices. Pistaffio provides customers with a single vendor to pay, regardless of the number of positions filled or agencies used, and agencies receive timely payments without the accounting hassles. Its streamlined process is a win-win for everyone involved.

Pistaffio is due to be released for public beta in mid 2025. Please check back for more details and a link to the product site.

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