Our Experience

Examples of the work we’ve done

We love to invest in cool, new ideas. Our strategic, long-term view helps us build unique partnerships to creatively leverage technology and deliver innovative solutions.

Some highlights of how we’ve helped our partners and clients innovate.

In addition to creating our own products, we have been instrumental in helping build solutions via strategic partnerships. These efforts have typically involved limited billable effort alongside early-stage equity participation. This strategic approach and operational flexibility are key parts of our approach to solving problems and delivering lasting customer value.

Secure and seamless Apple device management

The proliferation of mobile devices created a huge need (and opportunity) for management solutions. Several years ago, we began working alongside some of the early adopters in this market. Naturally most of the solutions had gaps and limitations. However, what struck us most was the complex implementation and deployment processes that resulted from a desire to create the widest possible array of features. After observing these challenges, we begin an initiative to create our own offering.

Our primary goal was to build the most simple and straightforward mobile device management solution. After registering in Apple’s provider program, we began development. Over several years the solution was moved from an internal initiative to a standalone external entity. This was followed by many years of rapid growth and market adoption. In recognition of this success, the solution was acquired by a major systems management solution provider in the fall of 2021.

Zero trust mobile network access and policy enforcement

The rise of remote work and use of personal devices has increased the need for tools that are designed to facilitate control and access beyond the traditional corporate network perimeter. When considering security in this now commonly accepted work paradigm, it is important to protect both devices and the resources they are accessing. A few years ago, we were engaged by a well-funded startup to help create two key components for a solution being tailored to this new use case.

The first is a cloud module that provides interconnection between mobile device management (MDM) providers and the back-end management layer. MDM systems are uniquely adapted to capture key system and application data from devices that are enrolled. A micro service architecture was used to build connectors that would aggregate the desired data from on-prem or cloud-based MDM deployment. This information is used to help drive policy decisions and deploy configuration data to managed devices.

The second component is a management client for the Microsoft Windows platform. Leveraging our experience in secure networking transports (and Windows development) we were able to create a client that would enable data protection and network policy controls. The client can conditionally allow or block access to specified networks or sites, and supports transport-aware data filtering controls to limit potentially expensive usage when roaming on mobile networks.

After substantial growth, the solution was acquired in 2021 by one of the premier mobile device management providers. They continue to update and maintain these key components as part of their solution that provides mobile device visibility and policy control across their large (and growing) customer base.

Infrastructure platform for mobile workers

What happens when you prefer to buy rather than build, but you can’t find a solution that adequately meets the needs identified? This is the situation that some of our customers have faced. Emerging technologies often create demand faster than markets can provide solutions. This is particularly true when the needs are greater and more complex.

The temptation is to settle for something less – to compromise. But we understand that there may not be a single solution that is right for difficult problems. Rather than settle, we leverage strategic services to help identify a mix of technologies that present the best fix and leverage our proven development experience to integrate them as needed. In one example, we worked with several clients to help them create a comprehensive mobile infrastructure platform to support the needs of their growing mobile user communities. This included features to deploy, manage, and protect both mobile devices and the applications critical to their daily operation.

We have proven methodologies to knit together solutions that will cover more requirements with less cost and customization. While not always necessary, this combination of market solutions and focused development provides an excellent way to walk the line between build and buy.

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